Columbia Basin College (CBC) Gear Up Program  

Columbia Basin College (CBC) Programs 

2600 N 20th Avenue
Pasco ,

Hours: Vary

Phone: (509) 542-5546


 Upward Bound: 509-542-4384

Description: Provides counseling, tutoring and educational opportunities for high school students

ESL Skills Enhancement: 509-542-4562

Description: Provides placement testing, directed English conversation groups, assistance to improve reading and writing skills for foreign born or no-English speaking persons.

High School Completion Program: 509-542-4595

Description: Provides courses for high school completiion; courses taken to qualify for both high school and college credit at the same time.

Workfirst: 509-542-4575

Description: Offers short term skills training to help particicpants and other low-income families find permanent work and increase their wages.

Displaced Workers Program

Description: Provides employment and training for adults and youth. Assist adults with training needs to move individuals into family wage jobs, on-the-job training opportunities, case management, job placement, and wage progression.