Education / GED

CBC Resource Center

Columbia Basin College (CBC) Resource Center

2600 North 20th Ave

Hours: M-F | 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Phone: (509) 542-5525


 Must be a current CBC student.  Offers: child care assistance, community referrals, holiday programs, networking, counseling/advising.  Also provides: disability services, book loans, tuition loans, travel assistance.

Upward Bound                               (509)542-4384

Provides counseling, tutoring, and educational opportunities for high school students.

-ESL Skills Enhancement                (509) 542-4562

Provides placement testing, directed English conversation groups, assistance to improve reading and writing skills for foreign born or no-English speaking persons.

Children's Development Center

1549 Georgia Ave SE

Hours: M-F | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Phone: (509) 735-1062


Developmental Screenings  & Occupational and Physical Therapy

Provides developmental screenings and evaluations, speech therapy, occupational and physical therapy, and specialized instruction to children ages birth to 7 with special needs (age depends on case by case).

                 Comprehensive Autism Diagnostic and Evaluation (CADET)

Provides medical diagnosis and evaluations for Autism disorders for children

up to age  10.                             

Children's Reading Foundation of the Mid-Columbia

Children's Reading Foundation of the Mid-Columbia

201 South Garfield St
Room 13

Hours: M-F | 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Phone: (509) 222-7323


Children ages 0-8

Group that works to ensure that all children are reading at least 20 minutes a day from birth through third grade. Also provides free books for children who need them.


Columbia Basin College (CBC) Gear Up Program  

Columbia Basin College (CBC) Programs 

2600 N 20th Avenue
Pasco ,

Hours: Vary

Phone: (509) 542-5546


 Upward Bound: 509-542-4384

Description: Provides counseling, tutoring and educational opportunities for high school students

ESL Skills Enhancement: 509-542-4562

Description: Provides placement testing, directed English conversation groups, assistance to improve reading and writing skills for foreign born or no-English speaking persons.

High School Completion Program: 509-542-4595

Description: Provides courses for high school completiion; courses taken to qualify for both high school and college credit at the same time.

Workfirst: 509-542-4575

Description: Offers short term skills training to help particicpants and other low-income families find permanent work and increase their wages.

Displaced Workers Program

Description: Provides employment and training for adults and youth. Assist adults with training needs to move individuals into family wage jobs, on-the-job training opportunities, case management, job placement, and wage progression.


Tri-Tech Skills Center

5929 West Metaline Avenue

Hours: M-F | 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Phone: (509) 222-7300


Technical Skills Center -Career and technical training for high school Juniors and Senior to gain employable skills while earning their high school diploma.

Teen Parent Education -Curriculum includes issues of pregnancy and its special problems for the pregnant teen; communication techniques, money management, prepared childbirth, practical baby care, community resources, marriage and family life decisions.

WIC Program                                                       (509)  460-4202                       

Hours: Only Sept-May, 1st Tu of the month, 8:30am-noon, 1-3pm.   Provides nutrition assessments, education and vouchers for specific nutritious foods for pregnant and post-partum women, infants, and children under age 5