Weatherization & Minor Home Repair
Program Coordinator: Anabel Escamilla, e-mail
Pasco Office: 720 W. Court Street, Pasco, WA 99301
Phone (509) 545-4042 Fax (509) 546-8917
Department Goal
The goal of the Weatherization Department is to provide energy conservation measures including: attic, wall, floor, and duct insulation, furnace repair or replacement, low flow showerheads, and air sealing.
Home Weatherization
This program offers weatherization to low-income family housing regardless if heating with electricity, oil, gas or wood. This free program is available to renters and homeowners living in single-family houses, mobile homes and multi-family dwellings. Some of the measures your home may qualify for:
- Attic insulation and venting
- Wall insulation
- Floor or perimeter insulation and venting
- Duct Insulation (for central heating)
- Water heater wrap
- Clock thermostat (for central heating)
- Infiltration (weather-stripping, caulking, etc.)
Funding for these services comes from a variety of sources: Bonneville Power Administration, Department of Commerce, Department of Energy and LIHEAP Weatherization Assistance Program.
- Conservation Education
- Education and use of energy-conserving home fixtures such as low-flow showerheads
- Energy Matchmaker Program
- Funds are used to lower energy consumption of low-income households and, as a result, make residential space heating more affordable.
- This program, implemented in 1987, is designed to increase resources for low-income weatherization by leveraging local matching dollars. We access the Energy Matchmaker funds by providing a dollar-for-dollar match.
- Funds are provided through a contract with the Washington State Department of Commerce.