Business Hours - COVID-19

Community Action Connections (CAC) Community Action Connections (CAC) values the health of its customers, employees and community. In order to continue to provide essential services while keeping you and ourselves healthy, CAC staff is working to meet your needs via phone and email. You may contact CAC staff by calling our office 509-545-4042 during regular business hours (8-11:30AM, 1-4PM). You may also email questions to and your email will be routed to the appropriate staff member for assistance.
If you don’t get through to a staff member the first time, please leave a message with your name and contact information and we will return your call as quickly as we can.
If you have an emergent need and do not have the ability to call or email our office, you may stop by our Administration Office and staff will do their best to accommodate you.
Thank you for your patience and adaptability! We will continue to work hard to serve you and our community while also helping us all stay healthy.
- Community Action Connections Staff